Monday, March 26, 2007

3/26/07: The Classic Tee

"Only great minds can afford simple style." - Stendhal

If I could have all the accessories in the world, but only one item of clothing, I'd have to say the plain, classic tee would be my pick. Soft as your dad's old sweats, and as versatile as the little black dress, it can be dressed up or down - and your style will look effortless. I've read that American Apparel tees are especially soft and comfortable, and they come in a rainbow of colors and styles. From looking at the pictures, my favorite classic shirt would have to be AA's Unisex Poly-Cotton Short Sleeved Crew Neck. (what a mouthful!) At only sixteen dollars a piece, I could easily afford to buy three or four without going over my limit. And when you can get one in any size, any color, you can convert it - from a hip and funky t-shirt dress belted at the hips, to a sporty, tight fitting top. All you need is the accessories to make it happen. Now that is one great deal.


Unknown said...

Excellent information!

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Anonymous said...

you're the cheesiest writer I've ever had the displeasure of reading

Anonymous said...

i know your a fashionista.. but im perfectly fine rockin' a cute tee and some jeans.