Thursday, May 17, 2007

5/17/07: A Tribute

"Every woman has a story." - Tyra Banks

The highly anticipated season finale of America's Next Top Model season finale left me in a huff. The entire season, I've been a Natasha fan. I love her bubbly personality, outstanding beauty, and her ability to take critiques that the judges gave her and fix them. Many of my friends agreed that she would be the best choice for a winner out of the lot. Well, as most of you know, Jaslene was proclaimed the winner last night. Though she may have had some beautiful photos, I don't think she stood out to me during the competition. I decided to have a look at the photos both Jaslene and Natasha took during the 12 week competition, and find the best and the worst of the bunch.
This was clearly Natasha's worst shoot of the season. Assigned the become the "teacher's pet," Natasha wasn't all quite sure what a teacher's pet was. Sexy? Sultry? Didn't think so.

I love this photo of Natasha, taken for a men's magazine during an episode. Though it may be a little racy, her face is extraordinary - one of the fiercest pictures of Natasha I've ever seen. One thing I love about this girl is that she draws you in to her photos with her sultry expressions. She always impressed me. Always. Just one question: What was her husband thinking when he saw this photo of his beloved wife?Jaslene failed to impress me with this photoshoot. Her face has utterly no expression whatsoever, and with the lighting, she just ends up in the background, blending in. I can see her struggle to try to burst out of the picture and stand out, but unfortunately it didn't work. She looks like she's trying to fly, but doesn't have enough will-power and strength.
Jaslene acceded way beyond expectations at her second photo shoot - this is amazing. She truly shows how you don't have to look glamorous as a model. Just looking at her photo makes me feel scared of such a weirdo. By far this was Jaslene's best shoot - she was able to be fierce without looking like a drag queen. She also looks lonely - I love the multiple emotions she portrays with this photo.

On another note - how did you all like the Sass and Bide runway show? I thought both girls did a great job, even though the judges seemed to disagree. Natasha made me proud - even though her skirt fell off, she made it look like it was supposed to. Her confidence and ability to keep her cool really impressed me.

Comments? Rants? Raves?


Chloe said...

Hey I forgot to tell you, but I linked your blog, i hope that's okay (you told me at what yours was), mine is:
and I liked renee, even though she sometimes was a bitch, haha

Halie said...

I was a Natasha fan, too! She has a cute and quirky attitude that's rarely seen in fashion.