“Fashion is born by small facts, trends, or even politics, never by trying to make little pleats and furbelows, by trinkets, by clothes easy to copy, or by the shortening or lengthening of a skirt.” - Elsa Schiaparelli
With all the "futuristic" fashion spreads in magazines this season, I have been trying to find out how I can incorporate the look of the future into my personal style. To get to the point - I'm clueless. I don't think it's gonna work that well, with my floral dresses, printed blazers and hoodies, bootcut jeans, and spring-y little flats. The style is simply "not me." I am weary of adding anything metallic silver into my wardrobe - especially these American Apparel tights. I know no one who would be able to pull them off. I think I'm going to leave the futuristic fashions to astronauts and the future generations to come.